
You…In A Morphing Jar: Episode 3

June 17, 2008
(Now I get to use Yu-Gi-Oh puns! Yahoo! ^_^)
Yep, it’s the third episode! I apologize for putting Episode 2’s blog up just so close to this one, but I was really upset by Nipa’s tantrum, it reminded me of when I threw a fit when I couldn’t get what I wanted. I was a really bad baby back then at the tender age of 25… <_<
(Also, I accidently dropped a juice glass and it shattered in a million shards, then I accidently stepped on the glass, so I might have lacerated my foot, so I apologize if I’m late with this one too. Also, blame Will Wright and his evil software, The Sims 2. LOLZ!)
Anyways, there were two challenges again. The first(which the judges called a mini-challenge, so I’ll do that too) was to make a dish from the most culinary inert foodstuff in the universe: potatoes.
My thoughts:

  • Jen uttered the dreaded “uhm.” I’ve been in speech classes, and the teacher always bashes me for using “uhm” so often. You can’t expect to get respect if you stammer and don’t have a speech impediment.
  • Lisa stopped at 45 seconds and stalled for time. That was not smart. If the command was to spend a minute talking, you talk for a minute about the food, about your life, and what have you. I’ve had similar problems, which is yet another reason I won’t apply for a future Season of this show.

The second challenge was to make a brand of their own food product and pitch it to fifty people who shop at speciality food stores. As a surprise guest, the Divine Goddess of All That Is Brand Names and Fine Living(Martha Stewart) tried out the product as well as the judges.

My thoughts:

  • Nipa did something stupid again – she stole all the cayenne pepper to make her two- ingredient seasoned sugar, leaving Aaron out in the cold. Maybe it did Aaron good, because he was able to impress The Branding Goddess with his salad dressing by using a dried jalapeno powder instead.
  • Jeffery and Nipa did very poorly. While seasoning blend is probably what I’d go for if I had to do that sort of challenge, I wouldn’t try to make something any layman could make. I’d kick it up a notch with all sorts of stuff. If Nipa had put some garam masala or ground grains of paradise in her seasoning, she might have done better.
  • Kelsey, girl, don’t get upset! You had no idea that the Divine Mistress of Brand Names was going to be trying your product. I probably would have done the same mistake, serving her finger food that was beneath her.


  • MY GOD, WOMEN REALLY ARE EMO!!! CAN THE WATERWORKS ALREADY! I’m not being sexist, but Lisa, Kelsey, and Jen(after the elimination) turned on the eye faucets. I know Kelsey was upset because she was told her personality was grating, but suck it up, girl! Nobody’s going to respect you if you bawl like that. Lisa had every right to cry, though; if I had met Alton Brown and he was judging my efforts, I’d be acting like a fanboy too.
  • Jeffery was the third casuality; in other words, the third person eliminated. I am not being mean to the blacks, in fact I felt a little pity for Jeffery. He tried his hardest, he did much better than anyone else. He didn’t break down or walk out or act up, but they kicked him out! I’m blaming Kevin and Cory for his elimination because he was cursed with their bad luck. Of course, it could also be that he, like Cory, was not suited to life behind a camera. Regardless, we will miss him and his fine spectacles.
  • Lisa once again redeems herself by winning the branding challenge.
  • After reading the first comment on Bob’s blog, I have only one thing to say about that person – judge not lest ye be judged yourself! So what if Martha got busted for fraud or you think she’s a snooty snob? I never judge people based on their past actions, and her “arrogance” is only in your mind, man.

Who Got Eliminated?: Jeffery

My Predictions: One of the girls is getting eliminated next, no doubt about it. Nipa’s climbing back up, back her tantrum has really made it hard to escape elimination next time unless she pulls a miracle out of her @$$. Jen is also not doing very well, she’s still not emoting enough… and I like her idea of a show that teaches kid-friendly cooking. Guy’s great, but I can’t think of any way to make his cocktails for kids.

What I might put up on YouTube next, if it weren’t for the threat of a lawsuit: A Martha Stewart Sim dying in a kitchen fire or being eaten by a killer fly swarm, just to appease you Martha Stewart haters. šŸ˜€

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