Archive for January, 2008


“Punch, Kick, It’s All In The Mind…”

January 15, 2008

Well, my laptop recently died and I needed to replace the computer(which runs on Vista, which is stupid because now I can’t use my Dazzle Creator Studio or else it crashes and logs off my accounts), and I hadn’t been updating this blog lately, but now I have a sad confession to make.

 I went and purchased Parappa the Rapper for PSP.

I am a doomed man. Once Parappa the pup snatches you in his furry grip, you are damned.

All joking aside, the Parappa series is pretty good. I got interested after reading an UmJammer Lammy(which is the correctly spelling,  Ihad been using UnJammer, which is wrong) and I was hooked. The songs were really nifty, and the way Lammy rocks out like a rabid foaming-at-the-mouth Guitar Hero freak made me love it. Then I stumbled onto the Parappa videos on YouTube, and the rest is history.

The reason I had damned myself was because I didn’t buy the original PSX version of this game, and for good reason. The games are HARD. I played on the Easy mode, but you can’t get Cool on them and you are locked out after the third stage, so you have to bite the bullet and play on the regular mode, which is HARD AS NAILS.

I haven’t beaten the fifth stage yet, because I keep falling to Bad on the first line, which sucks.

Needless to say, the games are great. Masaya Matsuura is a god of rap, even more so than 50-cent(and I know I’m risking trouble by dissing 50-cent, but his attempt at being in a videogame sucked badly). Why Masaya hasn’t created his own rap band is beyond me, he would dominate the music industry with his awesome tunes. ^_^

 And if you think you can escape the ski-cap pooch by playing UmJammer Lammy, guess again: You unlock special variations of the second stage on where Parappa raps against the opponents! This is really awesome.

The fun part isn’t listening to the whole songs, but rapping “Cool” – when that happens, the opponent makes an excuse, withdraws, and lets you just go wild with rapping or jamming until your fingers fall off(but screw up and you get the opponent back and your timing is thrown off – I still have yet to rap Cool in the other stages of Parappa PSP).

Needless to say, Parappa and Lammy are probably an awesome duo and their games really make for the bizarre. I’m not a fan of animal-humanoids, but come on, an ant rapping in jive about being famous and loving his size, or a guy with an onion for a head rapping Japanese raps while breakdancing? You gotta love it. ^_^